Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bridgeport Community Poems

The Bridgeport International Returns...and Presents...

 The Bridgeport Poetry Corner

Dedicated to Alderman Balcer & A Bright Future for Halsted St

Our first community po-em comes from Rene Paquin.

Walking with my dog from thirty-fifth to thirty-first

On a windy day--the trash and papers blow around--

I cannot help but notice: the sidewalks are the worst.

I also can't tell you how many doggy piles I've found.

We need more trashcans on Halsted Street;

One on each block, alternating east and west.

I gesture with bag in hand to everyone I meet.

They all agree that more cans would be the best.

As a responsible dog owner, I always scoop

To avoid attracting rodents and ensure clean shoes

But you know that there are those who leave the poop

And use the lack a trash cans as a lame excuse.

So here is what I ask of you, my neighbors and our leaders:

Get more trash bins so our side walks don't turn into rat feeders!

Email if you have a poem of your own, or any comments or stories about this issue. Let's organize more trash cleanups on our streets! Or pay kids a nickel & a popsicle to do it!

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