Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 17: FMEL Electronic Art Exhibition: “echo / sistemas”

FMEL Electronic Art Exhibition: “echo / sistemas”
August 17,  6pm - 11pm
Co-Prosperity Sphere  (3219 S Morgan St)

Join us for an mixed media group exhibition curated by FMEL. Live performances and more.

Arcángel Constantini, Amanda Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo Villegas, *Libertad Sonora, Pepe Mogt, Yurián Zerón, Iván Abreu, Eric García

Visual Artist:
Marcos Raya, Diana Solis, Gabriel Villa, Chema Skandl!, Nicole Marroquin & Antonio Martinez

Sound Artist:
Yair López, Alexandra Cárdenas, Bryan Holmes, Tito Rivas, Sandra Gallo & Miguel Mesa, Elías Puc, Sergio Oliman, Manuel Estrella

As part of the 5th Annual Latin Electronic Music Festival
Festival de Música Electrónica Latina (The Latin Electronic Music Festival) will stage its 5th annual digital music and culture showcase on August 17-25, 2012. After an incredibly enriching experience from our past editions, FMEL is proud to present Latin digital culture to Chicago once again. This year the festival includes lectures, workshops, an experimental session, an electronic art exhibition, a panel discussion with luminaries of the Latin electronic music scene and, of course, several musical showcases featuring artists from the U.S., Chicago, Latin America and beyond. This year, FMEL will be accessible to Chicago's vast community through events (many of them free) at different venues throughout the city.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Help Fund the Version Festival

The creators of Proximity, Lumpen and the Bridgeport International produce the annual Version Festival. This year, for the entire month of May, they are opening twelve pop up and remixed spaces in the neighborhood of Bridgeport. They need your support. Please check out and support our fundraising campaign via Kickstarter. Thanks so much!

Help Fund the Version Festival

The creators of Proximity, Lumpen and the Bridgeport International produce the annual Version Festival. This year, for the entire month of May, they are opening twelve pop up and remixed spaces in the neighborhood of Bridgeport. They need your support. Please check out and support our fundraising campaign via Kickstarter. Thanks so much!

Help Fund the Version Festival

The creators of Proximity Magazine also produce the annual Version Festival. This year, for the entire month of May, we are opening twelve pop up and remixed spaces in the neighborhood of Bridgeport. We need your support. Please check out and support our fundraising campaign via Kickstarter. Thanks so much!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Version 12 Call for Submissions

What happens when you invite cultural workers, urban entrepreneurs, artists, designers, foodies, public space hackers, urban planners, community activists, and dreamers to swarm a neighborhood and transform it for one month? Version 12: Bridgeport The Community of the Future.

This May 2012, we're inviting you to come visit us in Bridgeport, a Chicago neighborhood, and join in on our month-long urban experiment. During the Eleventh Annual Version Festival, we will be opening and remixing twelve temporary spaces, businesses, enterprises and projects, all to celebrate the neighborhood we love and call home. And then we're going to use these places as home bases, networks, and maps, all to energize our local environs for long-term change - but we need your help to make it happen.

Version 12 seeks collaborators and partners to help us re-imagine the tactical urbanization of our hood. We will supply the spaces for your project and help coordinate the activities and ideas that you would like to share with our communities.

Right now our plans include opening up the following: a used bookstore, a nightly performance space in a church, a home brewing club kitchen, a department store/gallery showcasing all locally manufactured small batch and artisanal products, nomadic collaborative restaurants and community kitchens, parking lot flea markets, a neighborhood tourism bureau, and a rotating exhibition space for artists and designers. And we're still looking! We need groups and individuals to open or manage temporary stores, co-working spaces... any choose-your-own pop-up space endeavor you can imagine.

Of course, there are other ways to participate too. You could also create or install public art in the hood, volunteer at a space, bring your food cart or truck to the neighborhood, conduct a public space hack, farm in a local urban garden, perform at one of our venues, or just stop by and dive in. Everyone is welcome!

The festival is co-produced by Public Media Institute (PMI) and dozens of our neighbors, friends, and business owners here in Bridgeport
. PMI is a non-profit 501(c) 3, community based, arts & culture organization located in Chicago, Illinois. Our mission is to create and incubate innovative arts programming and cultural infrastructures to transform people - socially and intellectually – through the production of festivals, art spaces, events, exhibitions, community projects, artifacts and media. Public Media Institute is committed to the region's cultural ecology and is evident through our series of programs, spaces and projects. http://www.publicmediainstitute.org

EMAIL YOUR RESPONSE TO --> versionfest12@gmail.com

[ ] opening up a space
[ ] performing
[ ] making or installing public art
[ ] providing a service to the neighborhood
[ ] having your product featured in our department store
[ ] volunteering
[ ] other

WEBSITE (it's OK if you don't have one though):

ONE PARAGRAPH PROPOSAL - let us know what you want to do!:

PLEASE INCLUDE 3-6 images up to 1,000 pixels wide

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bridgeport in Chicago Magazine

Happy New Year, everyone! The year is off to an auspicious start with two great articles about Bridgeport in the Chicago Magazine. The first is, "A Guide to Bridgeport: Where to Eat, Phop, and Play," which highlights our great local businesses, galleries, and even our quarry/park. The second article is about one of the busiest Bridgeport resident we know, Ed Marszewski. He recommends Bridgeport as the Community of the Future (of course), and says that if you don't already live here, you should come check us out!