Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Side Street Clearing in Bridgeport

Plow location as of 1:48 AM Tuesday. 

Side streets are still looking pretty rough in Bridgeport, but camaraderie has never been higher.

Don't be afraid of the silent stranger waddling directly towards your vehicle, they just want to help push you out of a snow bank that you didn't know you were in yet.

Check out this map to see where the city's 100 snow plows are at currently.

None are in Bridgeport right now, but hopefully they will make their way towards us tomorrow.

Now is the time for our Aldermanic Candidates to shine...

If Richard J. was running, he would have already rode into the neighborhood at the head of a patronage-army snowplow herd like the good ol' union stockyards cowboy he was.

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